Jurnal Kewidyaiswaraan 2025-01-17T09:35:57+00:00 Diana Linawati Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal kewidyaiswaraan adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala sebagai wadah pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya mengembangkan spesialisasi para widyaiswara dan pengembangan ilmu dan praktik di bidang pelatihan Aparatur Sipil Negara.</p> ANALISIS KEGUNAAN SISTEM DENGAN SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE (SUS) PADA LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM KUDAGANG DI KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN 2025-01-17T09:35:41+00:00 Ratnaningsih Hidayati Kamila Hetami Nadya Megawati Rachman Ririh Kusuma Permatasari Aris Hidayat Alfisah Fadlila Muris Sandi Samudra Mualif <p>The study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education found that the learning process had to be shifted to an online format. LMSs were used by educational institutions to help facilitate the learning process. This study aims to investigate the usability level of Kudagang LMS, the Moodle based Learning Management System used by The Ministry of Trade.&nbsp; The usability of the Kudagang LMS was evaluated using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and received a score of 67.19, which indicates that it has a sufficient usability value, with a high marginal acceptability and a rating of "ok". The study found that the Kudagang LMS can be effectively used by learners and is functioning appropriately.</p> 2024-11-11T07:04:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kewidyaiswaraan KOMPETENSI WIDYAISWARA DALAM PENULISAN KARYA TULIS ILMIAH (KTI) DI BALAI PELATIHAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DAN KEHUTANAN KADIPATEN 2025-01-17T09:35:24+00:00 Urfi Izzati Heru Budiono <p>Competence in writing scientific papers (KTI) is important for every Widyaiswara because it is one of the important job requirements to support the technical competence of Widyaiswara. This research aims to determine the competence of Widyaiswara at BPLHK Kadipaten through the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes of Widyaiswara in writing KTI. Widyaiswara competency was measured using a self-assessment sheet with a Likert scale, then categorized and analyzed statistically and descriptively. The results showed that Widyaiswara's knowledge is classified as moderate (66.67%), with a need for enhancement in the systematics of international KTI writing, qualitative and mixed-method research methods, and techniques to avoid plagiarism. Widyaiswara's ability is classified as medium (66.67%), with the need to enhance in the application of style guides, international KTI, book, national journal and proceeding writing techniques. Widyaiswara's value in writing KTI is classified as medium (46.67%), with the need for enhancement in carrying out plagiarism tests and paraphrasing sentences. Widyaiswara's attitude toward writing KTI is classified as high (80%), so it needs to be maintained. The results showed that the competency of Widyaiswara at Kadipaten BPLHK in writing KTI still needs to be enhanced. By enhacing this competency, it is hoped that it will improve the quality of training learning and improve the quality of training alumni.</p> 2024-11-11T07:10:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kewidyaiswaraan DESAIN PELATIHAN INSTALASI PV ROOFTOP BERBASIS PROYEK DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PESERTA PELATIHAN PADA KEMENTERIAN ENERGI DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL 2025-01-17T09:35:03+00:00 Ahmad Khulaemi Muhammad Nur Afandi OO Abdul Rosyid ABDUL65.ROSYID@GMAIL.COM <p><em>In order to accelerate the energy mix by 2025 with a target of 23% to come from new renewable energies ( EBT). The PV rooftop is one of the programs created in order to fill the gap in achieving the renewable energy mix target. The PV rooftop is the primadona in shaking up the energy transition. The objective of this study is to analyze the management of PV rooftop installation training; analyze project-based training practices and build a project based PV roftop installation design training. This research uses mixed methods, both quantitative and qualitative. The conclusion of this study is that the training of existing PV rooftop installations with a duration of 50 hours lessons needs to be renewed in order to meet the competence of the training participants; the training hours of practice PV roftop installation is still short and additional lessons are needed to increase the skills of the participants in PV roofop installation; the result of the renewal of training of the existing phot rooftops installations is to build up the training design of the project-based PV roptop installation with the composition: 500 lessons consisting of: 94 hours of theory lessons, 56 hours of practical lesson, 320 hours of team-based project lessons (2 Months) and 30 hours of competence test lessons.</em></p> 2024-11-11T07:19:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kewidyaiswaraan STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MOOC DENGAN PENDEKATAN DESIGN THINKING 2025-01-17T09:35:57+00:00 Zainul Pulungan Sherwin Mikhael Soantahon <p>In order to accelerate the energy mix by 2025 with a target of 23% to come from new renewable energies ( EBT). The PV rooftop is one of the programs created in order to fill the gap in achieving the renewable energy mix target. The PV rooftop is the primadona in shaking up the energy transition. The objective of this study is to analyze the management of PV rooftop installation training; analyze project-based training practices and build a project based PV roftop installation design training. This research uses mixed methods, both quantitative and qualitative. The conclusion of this study is that the training of existing PV rooftop installations with a duration of 50 hours lessons needs to be renewed in order to meet the competence of the training participants; the training hours of practice PV roftop installation is still short and additional lessons are needed to increase the skills of the participants in PV roofop installation; the result of the renewal of training of the existing phot rooftops installations is to build up the training design of the project-based PV roptop installation with the composition: 100 lessons consisting of: 20 hours of theory lessons, 14 hours of practical lesson, 40 hours of team-based project lessons and 16 hours of competence test lessons. The contribution of this research to the energy transition is very significant for accelerating the energy transition.</p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI MENULIS KARYA TULIS ILMIAH BAGI ANALIS PERTAHANAN NEGARA DI KEMENTERIAN PERTAHANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA 2025-01-17T09:34:46+00:00 Rochman <p><em>The competency to write and publish scientific papers for the National Defense Analyst (NDA) at the Indonesian Ministry of Defense is very necessary. Through scientific papers, NDA can contribute analysis and solutions to problems that occur within the organization so that it can assist leaders in drawing up national defense policies. However, most of the NDA's competencies in understanding problems, research management, collecting data, conducting studies and analyses, and writing scientific papers still need to be improved.</em> <em>For this condition, research was carried out to study and analyze strategies for NDA's competence in writing increased significantly, especially for scientific papers that were appropriate for publication.</em> <em>This research used a descriptive qualitative analysis method, where primary data is obtained from the results of a survey of 32 NDA of the Ministry of Defense and secondary data from literature studies. The research results show that NDA's competence in writing is still below basic, especially in scientific papers that have been successfully published in national and international journals/articles.</em> <em>Scientific papers that are successfully published are those that have successfully been reviewed process so that the scientific papers are of higher quality and the data are qualified. Based on research results, it was found that the number of scientific papers that had been created in the period 2020 to 2022 that were not published was around 67.74% and which were published in magazines and journals was 32.25%. Looking at the results of this percentage, increasing this competency is needed with development strategies including conducting of writing training regularly, requiring NDA to produce scientific papers periodically, providing facilities, funding for publication, and rewards (appreciation) if it is successfully published. It is hoped that with this strategy NDA's competence and enthusiasm will increase in producing quality scientific papers and in general, can provide information about national defense to the public and in particular can support making national defense policy at the Ministry of Defense.</em></p> 2024-11-11T07:29:53+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI DAN STRATEGI MANAJEMEN KARIER ORGANISASI: STUDI KASUS PADA DIREKTORAT JENDERAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA 2025-01-17T09:34:29+00:00 Deni Yulyani Alvin Permana Emur Okky Putri Ani Gabriella Apriliana Syifa Audyta Koestyawardani Siddieq Fanny Martdianty Mone Stepanus Andrias <p>This study aims to explore the phenomenon of organizational career management (OCM) that applies to the Ministry of Health in Indonesia, especially the Directorate General of Public Health, through the key informants who directly understand current conditions, challenges, and policies as well as future policy plans. Challenges and aspirations expressed by the responses of each of the key informants were included. A qualitative approach with a single case study design was used in this study. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. Four informants who experienced and directly understand the implementation of OCM as part of their duties. Data is analyzed using thematic analysis. Results show that implementation of OCM in Directorate General of Public Health has been running according to relevant Governmental Regulation where a talent management-based merit system has been implemented. However, there are still a series of challenges related to the bureaucratic systems. In addition, this study identified the aspiration of the informants regarding the implementation of OCM which upholds fairness, objectivity, accessibility, transparency, and sustainable programs.</p> 2024-11-11T07:32:14+00:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS KLASIFIKASI SARAN PESERTA PELATIHAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN MACHINE LEARNING 2025-01-17T09:34:12+00:00 Alfian Najib Anshori <p>Saran peserta pelatihan tergolong jarang mendapatkan perhatian dan dianalisis lebih lanjut. Analisis terhadap saran peserta pelatihan dapat bermanfaat dalam mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam manajemen penyelenggaraan pelatihan. Text mining dan machine learning merupakan pendekatan terkini yang dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh pola tertentu pada data tidak terstruktur berupa teks. Artikel ini membangun model klasifikasi menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes berdasarkan dataset saran peserta pelatihan. Model tersebut digunakan untuk memprediksi kategori saran peserta yang dapat memudahkan penyelenggara pelatihan mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek prioritas yang perlu dievaliuasi. Hasil pemodelan memiliki akurasi 60,81% dan dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi label kategori saran peserta. Namun demikian, Kinerja model dapat ditingkatkan dengan melatih model menggunakan data baru, menggunakan model klasifikasi lain, atau modifikasi terhadap algoritma. Hasil klasifikasi saran tahun 2024 menunjukkan aspek sarana dsn prasarana, serta tata laksana pelatihan menjadi dua aspek yang harus ditindaklanjuti oleh penyelenggara pelatihan.</p> 2024-11-11T07:34:33+00:00 Copyright (c)